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What is a first aid kit used for?

Treating injuries & Kit Fill List

A first aid kit is a box, bag or pack that holds supplies used to treat minor injuries including cuts, scrapes, burns, bruises, and sprains. More elaborate first aid kits can also include survival supplies, life-saving emergency supplies or convenience items like bug sting wipes or cold & flu medicines.

Individuals who want to prepare for medical emergencies or if they have an injury will want to have the appropriate first aid supplies ready to use. The purpose of this article is to give you an idea of the types of injuries to prepare for and a list of the supplies used for each injury. There is a supply list for basic first aid kits that can be used for the injuries described. As always, when possible, seek medical attention for any serious injuries.

Examples of Injuries and what first aid supplies to use

Trauma Injuries

Gunshot Wound - Pressure bandages, compressed gauze tourniquets, and latex free gloves are used to control bleeding. Stop the bleed packs contain both of these life-saving first aid products.

Severed / crushed limb - Tourniquet to stop haemorrhage/blood-loss

Deep wound - Compressed gauze, abdominal dressing, compress bandage or blood stopping bandages are all used for deep wounds where pressure should be applied to control bleeding and keep out contamination from the wound.

2nd & 3rd degree burns - Sterile water, water based gels saturated gauze and sterile gauze dressings are all used to help treat serious burns. They cool the skin, help reduce potential infection and in some cases relieve pain caused by burns.

Broken Bone - Triangular bandage, splinting material, elastic bandages and first aid tape are all used to help treat a broken bone. For compound fractures where the bone is broken through the skin, sterile gauze, bandages for absorbing blood and even compress dressings can be used. This type of injury should be seen by emergency medical professionals immediately.

Minor Injuries

Treating injuries & Kit Fill List

Cuts & Scrapes – Adhesive bandages, butterfly bandages, antiseptics, gauze pads, first aid tape, and gauze rolls are all used to treat minor cuts and scrapes.

Minor Burns - Burn sprays and water-based burn gels are used to help relieve pain and treat the burn. Try and avoid oils, butter or any petroleum-based ointments for minor burns.

Minor Eye Irritations - Sterile eye irrigation solutions (eye wash) are used to rinse the eye from dust or dirt that may be irritating the eye. Simply use a single use bottle of eyewash and or an eye cup to rinse the eye.

Sprains & Strains - A twisted ankle, sprained finger or wrist will require an instant cold pack to help reduce swelling and pain. Some injuries will require wrapping or splinting which involve the use of elastic compression type products and splinting material like tongue depressors or an aluminum, moldable splint.

Eye injuries - A trained medical professional should see any injury to the eye. Often eye pads are used to keep the eye closed and or protect it from further injury. Do not try and remove any foreign object by yourself. Further injury to the eye could take place.

Skin Care Related Injuries

Typical skin related ailments include sunburn, poison ivy, hives caused by allergic reactions and insect stings. Most of these are easily treated by the use of over the counter ointments. Burn gel is helpful for minor sunburn, while poison ivy can be treated with special medicated washed and creams. Bug bites are usually harmless and can be treated with bug wipes or an antihistamine like Benadryl. A doctor should see serious reactions that restrict breathing or involve swelling. Below we have included a list of basic first aid supplies that should be included in every kit. The types of injuries are listed above.

Adhesive tape - helps in securing first aid dressings for minor wounds

Instant cold pack - provides cold therapy to sprains and muscular injuries

Gauze Pads - sterile wound care dressing for minor cuts and scrapes

First Aid Guide - Pocket guide and first-aid manual of instructions for treating first aid emergencies

Sterile eye pads - for minor eye first aid emergencies

First aid burn cream - cream treatment for burns, reduces pain and starts healing

Gauze bandage - gauze roll bandage for dressing minor wounds and burns

Triangular bandage - used for arm slings, head dressings, or to secure wound dressings

Medical Gloves - Latex free medical gloves protect against potentially dangerous bodily fluids

Scissors - used for cutting first aid tape, elastic bandages, gauze or even clothing

Combine Pad - Sterile, absorbent dressing to help stop bleeding and protect large wounds

Adhesive Bandages - Latex free adhesive bandage dressings for minor wounds

Elastic Bandage Roll - Cohesive bandage roll for supporting injuries and adhering first aid dressings

Hand Sanitizer - Antibacterial, alcohol hand sanitizer packets for hand hygiene in the workplace

CPR mask - Single use CPR mask protects the rescuer from hazardous bodily fluids

Antiseptic Towelette - For cleaning and disinfecting of cuts and scrapes. It also helps to prevent infections in wounds

Burn Dressing - Sterile, gel soaked burn dressings for minor skin burns

Eye wash solution - Single use eye wash solution for removing dust and debris from the skin and eyes

Antibiotic Ointment - Antibiotic ointment for the prevention of skin infections in cuts, scratches, and minor burns

Additional Supplies:

  • Medications for pain relieve. Ibuprofen, or aspirin
  • Hydrogen Peroxide for cleaning wounds
  • Tweezers for splinters

Top 5 Reasons to Keep a First Aid Kit at Home and Office :

  1. Treat Injuries Quickly :
    The use of first aid kits helps those present handle medical emergencies as quickly as possible. This is important, as in many medical emergencies, even a brief delay before treatment is applied can cause irreversible damage. The kits offer basic and initial care for common injuries like burns, cuts, puncture wounds, etc.

  2. Stop Blood Loss Immediately :
    Bleeding injuries are messy, and can potentially be life threatening. To stop significant blood loss, apply pressure to the wound and use gauze to cover it. Apply bandage immediately to secure the wound in place. Without proper medical products accessible, it can be difficult to stop the blood loss, leading to hemorrhagic shock. And while use of non-sterile materials for a dressing is better than no dressing, it can easily give rise to infections.

  3. Relieve The Pain Of Burn Instantly :
    In a burn or scald injury, first aid treatment is necessary to relieve pain and prevent further damage. Protect the burn site from further harm and make sure the person is breathing. Cover the area with gauze or a clean cloth, and lift the wound above heart level if possible. Taking an over-the-counter painkiller from the kit can also help relieve some of the discomfort.

  4. Prevent The Discomfort Of Skin Irritation :
    Insect bites and stings can be immensely uncomfortable and cause skin redness and rashes. Effective and immediate first aid treatment can make the irritation heal faster more effectively. The use of antiseptic lotions and treating the bite can help prevent scarring. In cases of severe itching, calamine lotion may be used to provide some relief from symptoms.

  5. Be A Helping Hand To Everyone :
    Keep in mind that friends, families, and strangers around you may not be as prepared as you are. A first aid kit may come in handy if anyone around you suffers an injury – minor or major – that needs immediate treatment. Take note that small children and the elderly are the most susceptible to accidents and injuries. If you have a kid or an elderly person with you, a first aid kit can be an indispensable resource for keeping them safe and well.
